Stand in Your Own Power

We all have strengths and weaknesses, we are all made of the same yet, we are so different from one another. This is who you are and this is who I am. You can never be like me and I can never be like you, so do not compare yourself to others, compare yourself to your own Self.

Living is discovering who we are, finding out what is underneath the noise and the layers. The goal is to live a life that has a goal. What is it you want to achieve for yourself? How do you want to live your life? What are the things you have always wanted to do?

Now start believing in yourself, believing that all is possible if you decide it to be so. You can have everything. Work hard, reduce this ongoing chatter, become at peace with your life and who you are. Become a true participant on this Path that is unfolding before you. Make it your own. Know that you can.

You are beautiful just as I am too. Take a deep breath. Take another look at your life. Acknowledge, assess, decide where you want to go and Stand in Your Own Power.

the top of the mountain


1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Siannaphey
    Feb 06, 2013 @ 18:09:02

    So beautifully written, thanks for the reminder :)


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