Living in Abundance

We are so often disappointed and discouraged, thinking that it should have been us, that it was our turn to gain. Meanwhile, the longer we spend here in this thought pattern, the less we appreciate what surrounds us. This needs-based perspective slowly poisoning our Life…

Siannaphey recently wrote a beautiful post about the Law of Attraction which, put simply, is the belief that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one attracts positive or negative results. In her post, she reminds us of two simple things: 1) “There is no competition and there is no lack“, which she explains by “One person getting an opportunity does not mean that we are deprived of the opportunity for ourselves“; and, 2) “What you are seeking is also seeking you“, that you do not need to go around running trying to force things to happen since Life will unfold as it will.

Attitude is key. Contentment is the way.

Recognizing and being grateful for what you have, your friends, your family, your health, is what IS important. By being content, we acknowledge this, not taking these gifts for granted. By cultivating this attitude in more difficult times, we become able to see that we have so much. Then, any burden is easier to carry and any obstacle far less greater than we had expected it to be.

And so, today I encourage you to trust in Life again. Like the feeling of warmth from sun rays upon your skin, have confidence that there is enough for everyone. Like the vastness of the many oceans, open yourself to a world of infinite possibilities, knowing that what you truly desire will manifest itself. And similarly to our yoga practice, as we move out of savasana, that after an end, there is always a new beginning. Namaste.

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. chattingwithspirit
    Feb 26, 2012 @ 15:48:54

    Lovely post … after a beautiful day, feeling content with my life, feeling the sun on my face, watching my wonderful dog Maddie running along the beach and my fab husband Simon cooking dinner when we came home … a perfect day, time to relax and catching up on my favourite blogs – just great … My greatest desires – happiness and love – given to me in adbundance – I feel so blessed tonight!


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